Altar Server
Altar servers are an important part in the celebration of the Mass. We encourage our youth to fulfill this service. They assist the priest by holding the prayer book, helping to prepare the altar, and handing the priest the items he needs during the Mass.
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
An Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion assists the priest and deacon in administering the Body and Precious Blood of Christ at Mass. Extraordinary ministers are trained and receive a commission from the pastor to serve in this important role. To be an extraordinary minister, one must have received the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion, and Confirmation. Norms for extraordinary ministers are listed under the office of Divine Worship on the diocesan web page
A Iector proclaims the first two readings from the Scripture and the psalm (if no cantor) to the parish community. The lector will also lead intercessory prayers if a deacon is not assisting the priest during the Mass.
The time commitment for this ministry includes a brief training session as well as preparation time at home. Reader workbooks are provided to help you with your preparation. Time for this preparation varies according to a person’s experience, but even an experienced reader should spend no less than an hour in prayerful preparation for this important ministry.
Music MinistryUsher
Ushers greet parishioners at the door of the church. They assist in seating parishioners, maintain order during services, take up the offertory collection, enlist parishioners to carry gifts to the altar, assist in directing parishioners to receive Holy Communion, and distribute bulletins as the congregation leaves Mass.
Homebound Ministry
Our Homebound Ministry teams enable parishioners who cannot join us at Mass to receive Holy Communion on a weekly basis in their homes.