Saint Mary Parish offers the following adult education opportunities:
Formed: the Catholic Faith on Demand. Log on to to take advantage of free programs on faith formation, bible studies, spiritually enriching studies, current topics, and Advent and Lent programs. There are movies, documentaries, books, and resources for children and youth too!
Are you interested in exploring the Catholic faith? Have you heard of OCIA? The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults. OCIA welcomes adults (inquirers) into the Roman Catholic Church. OCIA prepares adults for the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist by providing a personal journey that leads to a deeper understanding of and relationship with God.
God wants us to know His love and fulfilling plan for our lives!
Want more info? Please contact Pat Morgan at 984-242-4024 or [email protected] or the parish office at 919-772-55245Men's Bible Study: Thursdays (fall to spring) at 9:30 AM in St. Joseph Hall. No need to register--just stop in!
Women's Bible Study: Wednesdays (fall to spring), 7-8:30 PM in St. Joseph Hall. Call the parish office at 919-772-5524 if you're interested in joining.
Catholic Cafe Q&A: You've got questions? We've got answers! Join us on the first Tuesday of each month (fall to spring) from 7-8:30 PM in St. Joseph Hall. Need more info? Call Pat Morgan at 984-242-4024.
Doorways to Formation in the Faith: Doorways is adult formation and catechist certification. Any adult in the parish is welcome to sign-up for Doorways. Please contact Marie Chenevert in the faith formation office for more information. Mollie Berry teaches the course.