September Events & More

September 6th: Faith Formation Mass. No confessions, holy hour, or Misa tonight because we're celebrating our Faith Formation families and catechists at a special bilingual Mass at 7 PM. 

September 7th: our Ministry Fair encourages your service as a catechist, assistant catechist, and/or Mass helper: Lector, Eucharistic Minister, Altar Server, Sacristan, Usher, or member of our Music Ministry. We're in Saint Joseph Hall from 10 AM to 2 PM so please stop by and learn more about these opportunities to volunteer! We're serving snacks too...

October 12th: a parish Yard Sale. 18 spaces will be available to rent (more info below) or you can donate goods that the parish will sell. Proceeds support our budget.  

Items we'll accept for the parish sale table:

  • Clothing, clean and in good condition
  • Toys and games, no missing pieces please
  • Furniture that's small enough to be picked up and carried by one person
  • Baby items, NOT car seats
  • Kitchen items
  • Hand tools and small gardening tools
  • Bedding, in "Like New" condition
  • Knick-knacks and decorations, in good condition
  • Purses and backpacks, in "Like New" condition

We'll accept donations at the parish office Mondays through Thursdays from 10 AM to 3 PM (excluding Labor Day, Monday September 3rd) until Wednesday October 9th. We need time to sort and price items before the sale on Saturday! Questions? Email us at 

Please do not drop items off in front of Saint Joseph Hall.  

Rain date: October 19th 

Renting a space: each space is 18 by 18 feet (2 parking places wide) and costs $20. No food sales are permitted. Set up from 6-7:30 AM. At noon when the sale ends, take unsold items and trash with you. Please complete an application to rent a sale space in the parish office (Monday through Thursday, 10 AM to 3 PM; closed on Labor Day) or email to arrange another time.  


Donate Online

Thank you for considering online giving using WeShare. It's safe, simple, and convenient. 

Here is the link to donate using WeShare, and thank you for your generosity!

Confession Times

  • Fridays from 6-7:30 PM (not September 6)
  • Saturdays from 3:30 PM to 4:45 PM
  • By appointment with a priest. Please email the priest to arrange your appointment. 

Mass Times

Lunes, 12 PM (Español)
Martes, 12 PM (Español)
Wednesday, 12 PM (English)
Thursday, 12 PM (English)
Friday, 12 PM (English)
Viernes, 7:30 PM (Español; no 6 de Sept)
Saturday, 9 AM (English)
Saturday vigil, 5 PM (English)
Sábado vigilia, 7 PM (Español)
Sunday, 8 AM and 10 AM (English)
Domingo, 12 PM y 3 PM (Español)

Holy day Mass times vary; see specific listing.
Los horarios de las misas de los días santos varían; ver listado específico.

Masses without intentions will be celebrated for those enrolled in Saint Michael's Pious Union.
Se celebrarán misas sin intenciones para los inscritos en la Pía Unión San Miguel.

Office Hours

The parish offices are open on Monday through Thursday from 9 AM to 4:30 PM (English), on Sunday 11:30 AM-4:30 PM (bilingual), and Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 3:30-8 PM (bilingual).
Offices are closed on holy days of obligation.

Scam Alert

We will never send an email or text requesting money or gift cards. If you receive an email request for money from the parish office or a member of the clergy, please verify the request with the parish office before sending funds. 

Nunca enviaremos un correo electrónico o mensaje de texto solicitando dinero o tarjetas de regalo. Si recibe una solicitud de dinero por correo electrónico de la oficina parroquial o de un miembro del clero, verifique la solicitud con la oficina parroquial antes de enviar los fondos.